Tips for getting started on the trails

Tips for getting started on the trails

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Lacing up your shoes and heading out into the forest can be daunting and so many women tell us that they don’t think they are good enough or ready to go trail. At Her Trails, we are determined to change that!! Here are a few tips to help you step out of your comfort zone and onto the dirt.


The unpredictable nature of the trail and our wild spaces brings new challenges. Feeling prepared will boost your confidence and help you enjoy the experience, even when things don’t go to plan! You’ll want to invest in trail-specific gear, in particular your shoes.

Hydration vests and proper nutrition will ensure that you’re fuelled and hydrated - we recommend always carrying an emergency food stash and warm layer just in case!


Getting started can be scary and overwhelming! Here are a few ways to keep safety front of mind: 
  • Always tell someone where you are going and your planned route, 
  • Mix up your run route and times, this will also help you to stay more alert!
  • Learn your privacy settings on apps like Strava and tailor them to suit your preferences
  • Bring a headtorch, even if you think you’ll beat the sunset!
  • Ditch the earphones, stay alert and in tune with your surroundings

At Her Trails, we have seen firsthand the power of finding your tribe!

The juggle is real and we know how hard it can be to prioritise your movement and time in nature, among all the other balls you’ve got in the air. Finding a tribe - whether that’s a running buddy, local training group or a global online community can help you to manage unsettling emotions and realise that you are not alone in this.

To train holistically means to consider something as a “whole” instead of focussing on (or ignoring!) one particular component.

This is a huge part of our method at Her Trails and includes strength and mobility training, nutrition, sleep, recovery, mindset and education. Whether you are new to hiking or trail running, these activities can place additional stress on your body and your schedule. Progress over perfection!

If you’re used to road running or walking, starting out on the trails will spice things up and possibly slow things down! With different surfaces, technical terrain, uphill, downhill, stairs, and potential navigation, watching your stats or comparing your road pace and times can be a shock. We LOVE this! An opportunity to let go of the numbers, focus on the path ahead, and soak up the outdoors' deep, juicy healing power!

At Her Trails, we are driven to share our love of the trails and our wild places. We know how healing and empowering it is for women to feel safe and confident when carving out time for themselves in the outdoors. Our  next Her 21.1km Trail program kicks off next month – the perfect way to build your fitness and clock time in nature.

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